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Friday, March 10, 2006 


Digital Subsciber Loop

The line itself is considered the: Digital Subscriber Line.

It is an acronym you dumbass.

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On yours it is difficult to understand something

Truth, blog is not an acronym. It's an abbreviation for weblog, not an acronym. But you don't need to be an asshole about it, old man morri. You don't need to be a jerk about it, either, Mr. Site Author. It's never a good idea to defend yourself on anything impolitely.

Jason, no one wants to hear you make irrational statements. How about I go saying things like, "Jason, I don't understand you, therefore you should go die"? Does that make sense?

All in all, this is an interesting blog which I'll be favoritizing. It'll give me something to do when I'm bored.

Initially I posted it thinking it was an acronym then I seen Old Man Morri's comment and checked on the internet and found this at Acronym Finder Search then confirmed it, then replied. Is that site link above accurate then?

I have no problem with Blog being an acronym. It is a contraction of two words that make a new word.

I do have an issue with IT. That is an abbreviation an dis pronounced, "eye tea", not 'it'. An acronym is a word, not a series of letters that are spoken.

Unforutnately most people confuse the two and 'acronym' is becoming the defacto word for abbreviation.

The definition of acronym is a word formed from the initials of other words. Not a contraction of two words to make a new one. So yes, the website is wrong about that.

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